If you are interested in working on your (ŠVOČ) topic, please contact your supervisor via email or phone.
Name of the topic: One team approach and cardiovascular complications in early post-transplant period
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 4th
Supervisor: prof. MUDr. Ivana Dedinská, PhD., FERA
Email: ivana.dedinska@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Assessment of the structure and function of the left atrium and left ventricle in obese patients undergoing GLP-1 RA therapy
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 4th
Supervisor: MUDr. Jakub Jurica, MUDr. Martin Jozef Péč, PhD.
Email: jurica10@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: One team approach and cardiovascular complications in early post-transplant period
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Kozubík Erik, PhD.
Email: erik.kozubik@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Short-term variability in pathological childbirth.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Michaela Hrtánková, PhD.
Email: michaelahrtankova@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Development of low-grade dysplasia of the cervix in the process of cervical carcinogenesis
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Tomáš Rokos, PhD.
Email: rokos1@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Prognostic factors in malignant melanoma
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Karolína Vorčáková PhD.
Email: karolina.vorcakova@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: A comprehensive functional image of the anorectal region obtained by 3D HD anorectal manometry
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Peter Lipták, PhD.
Email: peter.liptak@unm.sk
Name of the topic: Comparison of different sampling methods for microbiota and metabolome evaluation
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Martin Schnierer PhD.
Email: martinschnierer@gmail.com
Notes: dedicated time 2 hours per week; personal participation in regular scientific meetings
Name of the topic: Reflux after peroral endoscopic myotomy for esophageal achalasia
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Martin Ďuriček, PhD.
Email: martin.duricek@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Energetic metabolism in severe brain damage
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Milan Minarik. PhD
Email: minarikm@yahoo.com
Name of the topic: MR spectroscopic Imaging of the brain tumors.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 4th
Supervisor: MUDr. Martin Števík, PhD.
Email: batkova9@uniba.sk
Name of the topic:Disorganization of the inner retinal layers (DRIL) as a prognostic factor in patients with epiretinal membrane
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Juraj Halička
Email: halicka2@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Epidemiology of myopia in children – a comparison of urban and rural populations
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Juraj Halička
Email: halicka2@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Operability of primary lung tumors before and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 3rd
Supervisor: MUDr. Ľuboš Hamada
Email: hamada4@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Morphological-functional links in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease from an imaging perspective
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 3rd
Supervisor: MUDr. Hubert Poláček
Email: hubert.polacek@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Quality of life of patients on vacuum bell therapy
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Marián Molnár, PhD., MBA
Email: marian.molnar@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: The use of apixaban in the management of thromboembolism
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Lucia Stančiaková, PhD.
Email: stanciakova2@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Rotational thromboelastometry in diagnostics and treatment of patients with hemophilia
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Tomáš Šimurda, PhD., MPH
Email: tomas.simurda@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Detection of BTLA representing a predictive biomarker of immunotherapy BTLA of large B-cell lymphoma patients
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: prof. MUDr, Lukáš Plank, CSc.
Email: lukas.plank@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Influence of size and number of regional lymph nodes on prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Michal Kalman, PhD.
Email: michal.kalman@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Adult phenotype of obstructive sleep apnea in children.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Anna Ďurdíková, PhD., MUDr. Peter Ďurdík, PhD.
Email: anna.sujanska@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Kinematics of respiratory cilia in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Anna Ďurdíková, PhD., MUDr. Peter Ďurdík, PhD.
Email: peter.durdik@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Vitamin B12 in children with type 1 diabetes
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 4th
Supervisor: MUDr. Jarmila Vojtková, PhD.
Email: jarmila.vojtkova@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Bornout syndrome in healthcare workers
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction: 3rd year
Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Oto Osina, PhD.
Email: oto.osina@uniba.sk
Notes: from 3rd year
Name of the topic: Management of persistent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborn
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Tomáš Jurko, PhD.
Email: jurko3@uniba.sk
Name of the topic:
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Name of the topic: The importance of nutrition for cancer patients in dte hostipal and home environment and awareness.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Ivana Daňová, PhD.
Email: ivana.danova@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Evaluation of a robotic-assisted and laparoscopic approach in the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Miroslav Slezák, PhD.
Email: slezak27@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: The surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: Prof. MUDr. Branislav Kolarovszki, PhD., MBA
Email: branislav.kolarovszki@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Endoscopic treatment of craniosynostosis.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Romana Richterová, PhD., Prof. MUDr. Branislav Kolarovszki, PhD., MBA
Email: branislav.kolarovszki@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Treatment of positional head deformities in children using a remodeling cranial orthosis.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Romana Richterová, PhD., Prof. MUDr. Branislav Kolarovszki, PhD., MBA
Email: branislav.kolarovszki@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: Subsidence of intervertebral cage after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. René Opšenák, PhD.
Email: opsenak@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Complications after anterior cervical discectomy.
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. René Opšenák, PhD.
Email: opsenak@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Analysis of sclerosis multiplex biomarkers in relation to disability progression rate
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Daniel Čierny, PhD.
Email: daniel.cierny@uniba.sk
Name of the topic: The use of mobile applications in the differential diagnosis of tremor
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Milan Grofik, PhD.
Email: milangrofik@gmail.com
Name of the topic: Specifics of lethal gunshot wounds in northern regions of Slovakia
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Richard Sivulič
Email: sivulic2@uniba.sk
Name of the topic:The causes and circumstances of deaths of individuals under lawful detention within the district of the Department of Forensic Medicine in Martin from 2005 to 2024
Minimal required level of study and topic restriction:
Supervisor: MUDr. Veronika Rybárová, PhD.
Email: veronika.rybarova@uniba.sk